19 December 2012

My new Bible

David Gillespie has had a big impact on me this year, so much so that I feel I'm sometimes draining the sugar - and now oil (Toxic Oil) - message! But I have learnt some extremely valuable and, dare I say it, life-saving lessons.
I recently had a tickle in my throat that was so painful my body was begging for a lozenge; so I went to my local supermarket and started to look through the various ingredients on the back of each Strepsil, Soothers and Anticol packet. I went straight for the sugarfree Strepsil and knew better to trust what they wanted me to believe. The sugars used as a replacement are Isomalt and Maltitol - two of the unsafe sugars that David illustrates in his book Sweet Poison. This chart (below) is saved on my phone so I can be aware and wary wherever I go; after all, there are many on that list! See for yourself.

The new grill goes a long way

16 September 2012

Kapai Puku Chicken Delight

I recently finished my Tribal Blend of Kapai Puku seeds and decided on my repurchase to go back to the Naked Blend, which contains none of the raisins or fruits, cutting back on the sugar, which suits me just fine.

I noticed on the Kapai website they offered a recipe channel via YouTube and came across this Chicken Delight. It was super quick, easy and filling! 


4 September 2012

Starting the day the right way

If you don't start the day right you will find it so much harder to get back on the bandwagon.
I like to start my day two ways: a warm glass of water and half a squeezed lemon (boil one half of the glass and use either filtered or tap for the other part). The other way is a fruit/veggie juice alongside a bowl of Kapai Puku seeds that I've let soak overnight (8 hours minimum, longer for greater benefits) in warm water and lemon. Place just enough water to cover the seeds but do remember they will expand in the liquid. Personally, I like them to be completely absorbed by the time I get to then in the morning. It is a bit of an acquired taste, but I guarantee you will get used to it.
Eat them slowly and start the day right!

2 September 2012

Ultimate detox boost

Today I was in need of an ultimate detox boost.
My brother turned 18 this weekend and, of course, with all the festivities comes the "party" food, gulp. I wish I could recount here that I remained strong, resilient and had great self control, but I would be lying. I have never felt so sick and out of control as I did last night, and it was sadly not from any excessive alcohol consumption as it was from the food: mini pies, sausage roles, pastizzi, pizza, chocolate, lollies, kabana, cheese, dips, olives, chips, and of course, the cake....I'm feeling queasy  just thinking about it.
I feel as though I really took a big step back last night and am feeling pretty down on myself, not understating what possessed me to completely be taken over by foods I never usually surround myself around.

Today I told Stipe I needed a detox juice, presto!
Here we are...

Want to know what's in it?
2 apples
1/4 cucumber
Handful spinach
Handful parsley
Teaspoon wheatgrass
2 Spirulina tablets
1 Swisse 50 billion probiotic

A slow one to drink but your body will thank you for it and hopefully this one has allowed for a faster recovery.

20 August 2012

Can't go wrong with salmon and avocado

I spotted the new Coles magazine on the weekend, flicked through and saw the most amazing meal: mushed up avocado presented in a perfect circular shape with bits of flaked salmon on top, yum!!
Stipe and I improvised a little, adding half of a whole piece of salmon as a sider.
Red chilli featured within the avocado mixture, and despite its size, geez can those things pack some punch! A great addition, alongside some lemon, coriander and Dijon.
A perfect weeknight meal with no regrets.

14 August 2012

Salads are a girl's best friend

To me, nothing is more guilt-free and satisfying as a well put together salad. I don't make or order these because I'm "one of those girls", I actually truly enjoy them and love that I can get up straight after and feel refreshed, not hanging onto my belly, apologetically.
Stipe and I have experimented with a few new ingredients over the years and most of them have been a success! Like quinoa, Falafel balls and using beetroot in different ways.
I purchased some lemon pepper seeds from Tasmania earlier this year and found they have been an amazing addition to the topping. Oh, Chia seeds are a great accompaniment too for those who don't know what to do with them! Just throw them in!
My advice, have some fun with it and keep those flavours well balanced. Who would have thought Moroccan spiced chicken, quinoa, beetroot, cucumber, pear and feta would go well, but it sure did!

11 August 2012

Our bible: Crunch Time Cookbook

Michelle Bridges' Crunch Time Cookbook has been our bible since the moment we brought it home. There is absolutely no guilt and only pure satisfaction after any of these meals, and they are so easy to make!! Complete bonus!

Michelle puts it all into perspective and I love the fact that she lets you know exactly how many calories to add when you add that extra bun to that hamburger.

Take a look at the Shepherd's Pie below, the topping is made out of cauliflower florets and the inside a concoction of lentils, mushroom, carrot and diced tomato. No potato or mince whatsoever!
We made this recipe one night when two friends came over and I was mortified when Georgina told me she didn't usually like cauliflower, but absolutely loved the combination with this! Phew! We also made them the ricotta pears (down below) for dessert. They must have loved them because Sarah was soon asking for the recipes (with a reminder the next day - now that's a good sign!)
I bought her the book and she's been sending me her own pictures and favourites ever since.

Eggplant lasagne with no lasagne sheets was another newbie and one that filled the tummy well, as well as the two stir-fry's. Michelle says the Pad Thai is a treat for "a Sunday night" but at 368 calories per serve, it's definitely a far-cry from the one you would order at your local Thai sit-in.

Penguin have posted some amazing videos of Michelle cooking up some of the great recipes in the book. She is definitely an inspiration to us!

Shepherd's Pie - with no potato!

Eggplant lasagne - with no lasagna sheets.

Amazing pear, ricotta, sultana and cinnamon dessert...

...straight out of the oven.

Pad Thai
Beans on toast with egg

Home-made sushi

When I first met Stipe he had never tried sushi (gasp!). I decided the first time had to be a bought one from one of my favourite sushi places Purple Peanuts (brown rice lobster is my absolute favourite!), but he insisted that we make our own and give it a go that way. Double gulp as I have never made it before either.

Our first attempt at rolling the seaweed was quite disastrous. YouTube then came to the rescue and we watched exactly how it was done and where we had gone wrong. Needless to say, it was a success! Stipe didn't mind it and I was quite proud that we had given it a go and tried quite a few different varieties too.

Experimenting with Filo Pastry

 I've been dying to make my own Spanakopita since the first time I tried it! Mum has always made it with Puff Pastry, but it's just not the same when it is made with Filo, so we gave it a go!

It's quite fiddly and a lot easier when there are two pairs of hands. The trick is to ensure the Filo remains moist. It still didn't turn out quite as good as some of those amazing Greek treats that I've been tempted with in the past, but it wasn't too bad for a first effort!

A bit of sweet chilli sauce would have been great too. I did just find an amazing blog on how to make your own sugar-free version: http://www.fussyfoodie.co.uk/foodie/2075/sweet-chilli-sauce/
Will have to incorporate that next time!

10 August 2012

9 August 2012

Sweet poison

Before you open that packet, box or lid, take a good read of that ingredient list. You might be in for a surprise.
David Gillespie illustrates in his book Sweet Poison Quit Plan, the different types of sugar and how they are doing us a lot more harm than good. Thankfully there are a few safe types out there!
Since reading the book, my whole ideology on sugar has taken a whole new approach. I am extremely conscious of those high numbers and have cut out many of those unsafe foods, such as honey, ice cream (my old favourite, gulp!), yoghurt, milk, cereals, muesli bars, even my own birthday cake!

Easy, healthy dinner

Tonight's menu: eggplant, turkey mince and spring onion with a little brown rice. Add a few Asian sauces such as soy and fish, some pepper and you're good to go!

Note: turkey mince is a great substitute for chicken mince (which you can also use), it has a great flavour, feels lighter and has more protein.

8 August 2012

Lentil as Anything

I had only been to the Abbotsford and Footscray Lentil as Anything and was pleasantly surprised, feeling quite fortunate and humble.
This photo was taken at the St Kilda site, where we were in for a shock...a menu!! It was extraordinary and so on par with the company philosophy.
I had the amazing beetroot curry, yum!!

7 August 2012

31 July 2012

Finding inspiration...

Finding Inspiration...
A few months ago I came across a DVD on the Australian Women's Weekly cover. I was just about to throw it away when something caught my eye, the title: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Interesting. A quick read and I knew it was about a man's 60 day health journey. One for a Tuesday night on the couch.
The DVD has changed my life. Okay, ignore the hyperbole, but honestly the actions that have taken place in my life since that DVD is incredible.

Joe Cross consumes only fruits and vegetables in those 60 days and has changed his life, his health and has now become an inspiration for individuals worldwide.

My partner Stipe and I were inspired. We went out to Myer that weekend and decided we weren't coming home without a juicer. Joe recommends Breville but we found an amazing Phillips with a fantastic book from Jason Vale: http://www.juicemaster.com/au/

The juices have now become a part of our breakfast routine and taste amazing. There's only one I've scrunched my nose to - tahini paste! I think I'll need to acquire a taste for that one.
Jason includes a 3-day detox, which I prepared myself for and had the most incredible journey. The first day was tough, I won't deny it, but by the third day I was no longer eyeing off that chocolate croissant, it actually made my stomach feel ill looking at it. I felt clean, nourished and completely in control. I also lost 3.8 kilos and felt like I was on top of the world.

I'll post up some of the juices Stipe and I make soon. Be inspired!

http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/living/artsandentertainment/8415389/from-obese-to-fit-and-healthy-in-just-60-days http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/living/artsandentertainment/8415389/from-obese-to-fit-and-healthy-in-just-60-days